Wonder Woman Costume Part 1: Overview

My daughter wants to be Wonder Woman for Halloween this year. I’ve been waiting for an excuse to try some costuming making using foam and other materials, so this was a perfect opportunity.

I want to base the costume on the one worn in the recent Wonder Woman film. With that in mind I knew the costume would consist of several discrete parts:

  • Tiara/Headband
  • Bracers
  • Sword
  • Shield
  • Shin Guards
  • Armour
  • Skirt

The trickiest and most labour intensive of these is definitely the armour. It will require creating a pattern made of several pieces which I will need to cut out of foam, glue together, add details to, and paint. The armour is form-fitting so I’ll need to figure out how to do that too.

My current plan is to build the armour first, then complete the other pieces one-by-one in decreasing order of importance to the costume until I’m done or I run out of time. If that happens then Zoe can wear whatever pieces are completed and it will still look decent even if she’s missing, say, shin guards.

David Underwood Written by:

David likes playing video games, board games, and making costumes out of EVA foam. Is also a Dad.